One of the mission of the RQSHA is to encourage multidisciplinarity and the recruitment of new researchers in suicide research in Quebec. One of the ways to reach this goal is to offer scholarships and grants for trainees and researchers.
In the past, the network has offered awards and grants to support scientific communication, nursing projects, international exchanges, pilot projects and scholarships for students (Master’s and PhD level) .
These initiatives were aimed towards training new researchers in the area of suicide research, and to stimulate the development of new research projects on suicide.
The next series of competition will be posted on this site.
Funding opportunities
RQSHA Newsletter – March 2024
RQSHA Scolarship Top-Ups for graduate studies
In order to support training activities, the RQSHA offers additional scholarships for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who have received partial funding from source(s) other than the FRQ. These funds are granted to student members of the RQSHA whose supervisors are also members of the RQSHA. Four deadlines per year: January 15: Clinical research and…
Past RQSHA Funding Opportunities
RQSHA Public Health and Services Analysis Platform – Ultimate funding call, Spring 2024
Final RQSHA call – Scolarship Top-Ups for graduate studies
The RQSHA hereby announces its last call for Scolarship Top-Ups for graduate studies. Same rules as the regular top-ups call apply: these scholarships are additional funding for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who have received partial funding from source(s) other than the FRQ, and they are granted to student members of the RQSHA whose supervisors…
Biopsychosocial Analysis of Mental Health Trajectories Platform Masters, Doctoral and Postdoctoral awards – Winter 2024
The Biopsychosocial Analysis of Mental Health Trajectories Platform offers several fellowships to Mastersâ, PhD students, and postdoctoral fellows supervised by members of the Quebec Network on Suicide, Mood Disorders and Associated Disorders, with the aim of using the genome-wide genotype data collected from participants from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (890 children followed…
RQSHA Public Health and Services Analysis Platform – New funding calls for Fall 2023
New 2023-2024 call for applications for Addiction Disorders axis Scholarships
Three new scholarships from the the RQSHA Addiction Disorders axis for 2023-2024 Lâaxe Troubles des dĂ©pendances du RĂ©seau quĂ©bĂ©cois sur le suicide, les troubles de lâhumeur et les troubles associĂ©s est heureux dâannoncer le lancement de trois concours de soutien financier pour des projets de recherche portant sur les thĂšmes suivants : Recherche sur les…
Call for projets: stakeholders engagement in mental health and suicide prevention research
Appel Ă projets pilotes en engagement des patients et du public (EPP)  Objectifs En santĂ© mentale plus que dans tout autre branche du domaine clinique, lâexpĂ©rience subjective des patients est fondamentale dans notre conceptualisation des maladies et de leurs traitements. Par consĂ©quent, il devrait aller de soi que la recherche, comme la pratique clinique,…
Public Health and Services Analysis Platform – Call for proposals, Spring 2023
Biopsychosocial Analysis of Mental Health Trajectories Platform Masters, Doctoral and Postdoctoral awards
The Biopsychosocial Analysis of Mental Health Trajectories Platform offers several fellowships to MSc students, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows supervised by members of the Quebec Network on Suicide, Mood Disorders and Associated Disorders, with the aim of using the genome-wide genotype data collected from participants from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (931 children…
Neurobiology of Mood Disorders Axis: Operating subsidies for young researchers â Competition 2022-2023
Objectives of the competition Three (3) grants are available to support young, early career investigators conducting research on the neurobiological aspects of mood disorders. The objective is to allocate the financial resources required to set up the necessary techniques and generate preliminary results that will be used to improve future funding applications to national and…
Appel d’offres de la Plateforme d’analyse des services et santĂ© publique – Automne 2022