ANNOUNCEMENT: New leadership

The RĂ©seau quĂ©bĂ©cois sur le suicide, les troubles de l’humeur et les troubles associĂ©s (RQSHA) is ushering a new era as Drs. Gustavo Turecki and Alain Lesage step down from their leadership roles. We extend to them a heartfelt thank you for their vision in creating the RQSHA and the dedication and wisdom with which they have led it in the past ten years. Though they are stepping aside from their executive roles, they continue to be active members who will contribute to the vibrancy of this successful rĂ©seau thĂ©matique.

At the same time, the RQSHA welcomes Drs. Patricia Conrod and Naguib Mechawar as the new Director and Co-director, respectively, effective April 1, 2020. We are lucky to have individuals of such high calibre take over the leadership of the RQSHA. Dr. Conrod’s energy and vision will no doubt drive the RQSHA forward through even greater collaboration between QuĂ©bec researchers of various disciplines. Dr. Mechawar offers complementary expertise, with neurobiologic approaches to suicide research. His longstanding involvement in the RQSHA will ensure continuity and success in the coming years.

Read their first newsletter here