
The RQSHA is a thematic research network funded by

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Better understanding the phenomenon of suicide

to inform interventions for its prevention and treatment

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The RQSHA in the Media

Social media pitfalls for mental health in our society

Our colleague Patricia Conrod authors the introduction to a special segment in the Psychologie Québec issue of December [...]

Suicide prevention: Featured publication

Trajectories of suicidality during a 2-year early-intervention program for first-episode psychosis: a longitudinal study

The authors present a longitudinal study revealing 3 distinct suicidality trajectories for patients undergoing a 2-year early intervention [...]

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Science news

Quebec government must support suicide prevention research

Our colleagues from the CRISE center author an open letter to Québec government on World Suicide Prevention Day, [...]

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Member news Opportunities

NEW OPPORTUNITIES within Dre Fleury’s Organisation and adequacy of mental health services lab

Chèr.e.s membres du RQSHA, L’équipe de notre collègue Dre Marie-Josée FLEURY est à la recherche d’un.e Coordonnateur.trice de [...]

Infoletter Member news Opportunities RQSHA Events RQSHA funding

RQSHA Newsletter – March 2024

Member news Past events

Looking back on our 2024 Suicide Prevention Symposium

Retour sur notre grand Symposium 2024 en prévention du suicide Un bref mot pour vous remercier de votre [...]

Learn more about the RQSha


The Reseau québécois sur le suicide, les troubles de l’humeur et les troubles associés is a thematic network supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec

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RQSHA Membership

Researchers, professionals and non-professionals, students and all other people interested in research, intervention and prevention of suicide, suicidal behaviors and of mood and associated disorders can join our network. The RQSHA wishes to create an open, multidisciplinary, multisectorial and interprofessional network to further enhance partnership, collaboration and networking between research and practice. 

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