The RQSHA in the Media
Social media pitfalls for mental health in our society
Our colleague Patricia Conrod authors the introduction to a special segment in the Psychologie Québec issue of December [...]
Suicide prevention: Featured publication
Trajectories of suicidality during a 2-year early-intervention program for first-episode psychosis: a longitudinal study
The authors present a longitudinal study revealing 3 distinct suicidality trajectories for patients undergoing a 2-year early intervention [...]
Science news
Quebec government must support suicide prevention research
Our colleagues from the CRISE center author an open letter to Québec government on World Suicide Prevention Day, [...]
Member news Opportunities
NEW OPPORTUNITIES within Dre Fleury’s Organisation and adequacy of mental health services lab
Chèr.e.s membres du RQSHA, L’équipe de notre collègue Dre Marie-Josée FLEURY est à la recherche d’un.e Coordonnateur.trice de [...]
Member news Past events
Looking back on our 2024 Suicide Prevention Symposium
Retour sur notre grand Symposium 2024 en prévention du suicide Un bref mot pour vous remercier de votre [...]
Learn more about the RQSha

The Reseau québécois sur le suicide, les troubles de l’humeur et les troubles associés is a thematic network supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec